Grades 3 - 4
At the heart of the Congressional Lower School student experience is relationship. Relationship between peers, with teachers and staff, and with program are intentionally cultivated and nurtured in grades 3-4. Faculty and staff do so by shaping a learning environment that engages curious minds while allowing for safe, and respectful peer collaboration.
Research shows that children who feel emotionally safe at school perform better academically. More importantly, they are just happier children! Teachers use common language and develop consistent structures to help children successfully navigate peer relationships in lower school. All children begin each day actively building their classroom community in the Morning Meeting Circle. Small but meaningful routines like Morning Meetings nurture the relationships children develop with classmates and set a tone for inclusivity and respect.


Brent Hinrichs
Associate Head of School and Director of Lower and Middle School
Third Grade at Congressional School is an adventure; ripe with rich learning opportunities and activities to continuously engage third grader’s intellectual curiosity. Congressional third graders are highly motivated by their ability to work collaboratively with peers in the classroom. Through a rigorous and challenging program, students in Third Grade continue to build a strong academic foundation that will prepare them for the 4th grade and beyond.
Fourth Grade represents an intersection between the experiences and lessons of Lower School and the future that awaits them in grades 5 through 8. Congressional Fourth Graders are eager and capable in their approach and are well-prepared for the high academic standards of Middle School. Through a rigorous and challenging program that emphasizes independence and “ownership of learning”, students complete the foundation needed to move to Middle School. By the end of 4th grade, students will be academically prepared to negotiate the rigors and expectations of Middle School academics.

To learn more or ask questions, please contact:
Amanda Carbury
Director of Enrollment Management & Financial Aid