
 Head of School Innovation Grants for Faculty

Caroline McKinney, Middle School Art Teacher

Grant Funded Project:
Plein-Air Painting Studies at the Interlochen Center for the Arts, Michigan

The Plein-Air painting course at Interlochen Center for the Arts is taught by internationally recognized, award-winning artist Mark Mehaffey. It is a three-day intensive in-studio course that teaches color concepts with acrylic paint and watercolor to hone technical and observational skills.


"This grant will support my professional development as an art teacher through heightening my technical skills as an artist, expanding my interdisciplinary connections, building on new teaching skills, and broadening my networking with other artists. By connecting art with other subjects, I can create a more holistic learning experience for my students. Participating in this course will allow me to observe teaching in a new perspective. I'll be able to learn how to facilitate outdoor art experiences, guide students in overcoming challenges, and encourage experimentation and self-expression."

Caroline McKinney


Learn about our other 2024 Innovation Grant winners.


Teresa Do
Librarian & Technology Integration Specialist

Middle School Digital Citizenship Curriculum Development
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Blanca (1)

Blanca Gomez, French Teacher
Elizabeth Mio Veliz, Spanish Teacher
Preschool-Grade 4

Celebrating Language Diversity: Spanish and French Awareness Week for Kindergarten through 4th Grade.
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Mandy Limberg
4th Grade Teacher

 Professional Development: Teachers Mentoring Teachers: Practices for Powerful Professional Communities.
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