In the Life of a Firefly
Busy Bees, Lady Bugs, Butterflies, Dragonflies, and Fireflies. Each of our Early Childhood classes comes with a cute name and each classroom with adorable students. Our Fireflies class has our 2.5 - 3 year olds, and between walks around campus every day and Ms. Nancy's creative lessons, these young explorers are always learning and discovering.
When Students Make the Rules
Giving Students Guided Ownership Over Their Social Behavior. What if students set in place their own guiding principles as to how they believe themselves and their classmates should behave? An agreement could be created that all students had a say in, that all students have a sense of ownership in.
Who Polluted the Potomac?
Kicking off Service Learning for the school year with composting, nut collecting, and an interesting, global look into water pollution beyond the Potomac River
Busy Bees in their New Hive
The youngest group of new students to the Congressional Family just completed their first full week of school. The bright-eyed Busy Bees, as they are affectionately known, are quickly adjusting to their new school environment.
The Art of Interdisciplinary Learning
Through interdisciplinary methods, Congressional teachers engage students in learning that combines content, skills, and thinking processes as students explore connections among the subject areas.
Service Learning: Students Work Shift at Food for Others Warehouse
A group of seventh grade students volunteered for a two-hour warehouse shift to package food for distribution for Service Learning.
Up for Debate
CONGRESSIONAL SCHOOL BLOG Up for Debate Through Congressional’s Speech and Drama curriculum, middle school students engage in specialized training to refine critical public speaking skills that they will carry forward into high school, college, and their careers. While Congressional students practice public speaking skills at all age levels (even in the Early Childhood Program), the…
Read More The Power of Reading Aloud
Most parents understand the importance of reading to their children, but many parents might not realize the extent of the power that reading aloud brings to their child’s cognitive and literary development.
Read More Welcome to Little Colts Academy
Now in its third year, Little Colts Academy was established by Tavis Laws, Congressional’s Director of Athletics and Physical Education, as a way to introduce younger students to intramural sports.
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