The Power of Reading Aloud
Most parents understand the importance of reading to their children, but many parents might not realize the extent of the power that reading aloud brings to their child’s cognitive and literary development.
Some Thoughts on the Writing Process
As students move through the grades, there is growing emphasis on the writing process, and the volume and style of writing increase across the curriculum. In the following article, fifth and sixth grade English teacher, Cameron Yassine, outlines his own writing process, discussing how he perseveres through challenges and draws upon this experience to help students improve and grow as writers.
Inspiring Lifelong Readers
Familiar Childhood Reflections and a Crucial Balance Needed in Schools. "If the greatest predictor of academic success is reading volume, it is not enough to assign mountains of classics and hope that our students actually read them. We also must give children intrinsic motivation to read."
Digital Technology Unplugged
Students in kindergarten through 8th grade are learning the concepts and foundations of coding, robotics, engineering and design. To prepare our youngest learners for the more complex lessons in coding and robotics, Ross Mulry, our Librarian and Technology Integration Specialist, unplugs the students from technology and goes offline with some valuable hands-on lessons.
Thinking Green
Mrs. Yassine’s sixth grade Global Perspectives classes are winners of Project Green Schools’ 2018 Green Difference Award for their project entitled “Blueprint for a More Sustainable School”.
Up for Debate
CONGRESSIONAL SCHOOL BLOG Up for Debate Through Congressional’s Speech and Drama curriculum, middle school students engage in specialized training to refine critical public speaking skills that they will carry forward into high school, college, and their careers. While Congressional students practice public speaking skills at all age levels (even in the Early Childhood Program), the…
Read More The Power of Reading Aloud
Most parents understand the importance of reading to their children, but many parents might not realize the extent of the power that reading aloud brings to their child’s cognitive and literary development.
Read More Welcome to Little Colts Academy
Now in its third year, Little Colts Academy was established by Tavis Laws, Congressional’s Director of Athletics and Physical Education, as a way to introduce younger students to intramural sports.
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