Looking for information about school events and activities? You've come to the right place. View the calendar below to see everything taking place on a month-by-month basis. Just choose the month you are interested in from the drop down menu and press the arrow button next to it to view that month.
Are you just looking to see major dates, including holidays or other days the school will be closed? Click the blue button below to see our Major Dates Calendar.
iCal.aspx?z=Gah%2fqFeEsSpoh2TLXP8XGvFxsh6wOu2fS8NAaAYeswo3y9nWZvepfxamCZURUtlrW5voStWDpqp74yMGcyV5tg%3d%3d |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Grades 3-8 ERB Testing
Apr 28 to May 1 D Day
May 1 Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Begins
May 1 |
Make Up ERBs for Grades 3-8
May 2 Free Dress Day
May 2 E Day
May 2 Campus Closed at 4 PM
Students in Preschool-Grade 8 should be picked up at regular dismissal between 3:30 PM and 3:45 PM. Buses will depart campus at 4 PMInfants & Toddlers should be picked up by 4 PM May 2 | 3 |
Open Gym Basketball
May 4 |
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 5 to May 9 Cinco de Mayo
May 5 F Day
May 5 |
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 5 to May 9 A Day
May 6 |
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 5 to May 9 B Day
May 7 |
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 5 to May 9 C Day
May 8 EHP Dinner
May 8 5:30 7:00 |
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 5 to May 9 D Day
May 9 Grade 5 to Clifton Institute
May 9 8:30 3:00 6th Grade to National Gallery of Art & Portrait Gallery
May 9 9:30 3:00 | 10 |
Mother's Day
May 11 |
E Day
May 12 |
F Day
May 13 |
A Day
May 14 |
B Day
May 15 New Family Orientation
May 15 |
Free Dress Day
May 16 C Day
May 16 | 17 |
18 |
D Day
May 19 |
E Day
May 20 |
Dress Uniform Day
May 21 to May 22 Spring Arts Showcase
May 21 to May 22 F Day
May 21 |
Dress Uniform Day
May 21 to May 22 Spring Arts Showcase
May 21 to May 22 A Day
May 22 Grandfriends Day
May 22 8:00 11:00 |
Infants-Grade 8 Closed
May 23 Faculty Professional Day
May 23 | 24 |
25 |
Infants-Grade 8 Closed
May 26 Memorial Day
May 26 |
B Day
May 27 |
C Day
May 28 |
D Day
May 29 |
Free Dress Day
May 30 Middle School Hangout
May 30 E Day
May 30 Primary School Field Day
May 30 |
Last Day of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May 31 |