Your gift creates an opportunity. A matching gift creates another.
You may be able to double or triple the impact of your support through your (or your spouse’s) employee matching gift program. Many companies offer matching gift programs as a benefit for their employees. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, please enter your employer's name below. If your company matches, you may be able to access the forms directly through the search. If your employer is not listed, but you know they have a program, contact to be added to the system.
Your company’s matching gift will help Congressional students do what they do best- engage, inquire, explore, and have fun while learning!
And don't forget about volunteering. Some employers will make donations to organizations where you volunteer. It's another way to Increase your Impact at Congressional.

When submitting a matching gift through your company’s electronic portal or if your company still uses a paper form you may need the following information:
EIN: 54-1115179
Mailing Address:
Congressional School
Attn: Advancement Office
3229 Sleepy Hollow Road
Falls Church, VA 22042
Contact Information:
Advancement Office
703-533-9711 x444