This Page Was Retired on February 2, 2022 at 3:15 PM. Please Visit for updated information.
This page has been developed to share our plans to protect the health and safety of the entire school community - students, families, faculty, staff, and visitors as we prepare for a safe return to school.
This plan is in progress, and regular updates will be posted to this site. Newly posted updates will be identified on the page with the date of the update noted.
The goal our Health & Safety Guidelines outlined is to establish a framework for a safe reopening of campus. This plan is based on the most recent information and guidance from a number of different authorities and groups, including Virginia Department of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Virginia Department of Social Services among others.
These guidelines are dynamic and may be updated as deemed necessary by the School based on current advice and guidelines.
Our Reopening Plan is Supported by Four Pillars:
- Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting
- Physical Distancing
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Health Monitoring

The safety and well-being of our community is our top priority. With this being said, we have implemented a rigorous cleaning schedule as well as cleaning procedures that will be followed to cut down on the spread of disease.
- Student and staff restrooms will be cleaned every 2-3 hours.
- Teachers will sanitize classroom equipment and supplies throughout the day.
- Classroom surfaces will be sanitized regularly throughout the day.
- High traffic areas will be wiped down throughout the day.

Capacity of each classroom will be limited based on current guidelines mandated. These limitations will include staff.
- Students will be assigned to a classroom.
- Teachers will be assigned to a particular classroom and will limit their interaction with students outside their classroom.
- Classrooms will be set up to encourage social distancing.
- Each class will enjoy playground breaks with time in between groups for cleaning.
- Children will eat all lunches and snacks in their classroom to limit movement in the building.
- Classes are encouraged to take their students outdoors and open their windows as much as possible to get fresh air.
- Visitors will be restricted to those that are essential and will be asked to wear a mask and complete a health screening.
- Large community gatherings are being re-imagined.

The school will ensure all employees are equipped with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, gowns, face shields, etc. as needed.
PPE will be used to varying degrees, on a case-by-case basis. However, face masks will be required for all staff while in shared spaces on campus and will be required of students where developmentally appropriate.

These guidelines are dynamic and may be updated as deemed necessary by the School based on current advice and guidelines.
Students, faculty, and staff must be illness/symptom-free in order to attend school. Families will partner with the school to ensure strict adherence to our health and safety procedures and policies.
A child will be considered well and allowed to attend school if they meet all of the following daily health observations:
- They have a temperature reading of 100° or lower.
- They have not had a fever of 100° or higher within the past 48 hours
- No cough.
- No runny nose.
- No shortness of breath.
- No body rashes or eye discharge.
- They have not been exposed to a person infected with COVID-19 within the past 10-14 days.
During morning drop-off a staff member will complete a daily health observation on the child and will ask students/parents to answer a COVID-19 Questionnaire.
- Parents will need to say goodbye outside the building as only enrolled students, faculty, staff, and essential visitors will be permitted to enter any school buildings.
- Students will wash their hands upon entering the room and before they engage in activities.
- Ideally, the same parent or designated person should drop off and pick up the child every day.
- If possible, those over the age of 60 or those with serious underlying medical conditions should not pick up children, because they are more at risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
If a student is identified with the following symptoms, they will be excluded from the program for 24 hours starting the next day of exclusion:
- Fever of 100.0° or higher (during the school day).
- Continuous cough.
- Shortness of breath.
If the symptoms are related to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, the student may return to school if symptom-free for 24 hours. For example, if they receive the vaccine on Sunday, have a fever on Monday, they can return 24-hours after the fever breaks without the use of fever-reducing medication.
Students will be able to return to school once:
- Fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications.
- Absence of continuous cough for 24 hours without cough suppressants.
- Absence of shortness of breath for 24 hours.
- The day the child is sent home from school is day 0.
- The day the child is free of symptoms (full day) without the use of medication is day 1 and the child can return on day 3 without symptoms or fever-reducing medication.
- COVID -19 regulations are different. Please see the information for COVID protocols below.
Students will be excluded from the program for 24 hours starting the next day of exclusions if they have any of these symptoms:
- Vomiting (without known cause).
- Diarrhea (loose stools 2-3 times during the day).
Students will be able to return to school once:
- Vomit-free for 24 hours.
- Diarrhea-free for 24 hours.
In addition, the following practices will be followed:
- An unvaccinated student cannot be on campus if they have a pending COVID-19 test due to exposure to symptoms
- A vaccinated student cannot be on campus if they have a pending COVID-19 test due to symptoms
- An unvaccinated student cannot be on campus if anyone in their household has a pending COVID-19 test due to exposure or symptoms.
- A vaccinated student can be on campus if someone in their household is getting tested for whatever reason
- A student can be on campus if anyone in their household has a pending COVID-19 test but has no known exposure and does not have symptoms (i.e. test for travel, or work)
If a parent is called to come to pick up their child due to illness, they must be at school within one hour. No exceptions.
If a student is sent home, they MUST remain home for 24 hours (2 days) following the date they were excused. Doctor's notes will not shorten the exclusion policy for any reason.
Two Nurses will be on campus, one dedicated to the Big School and one to the Little School.
If a child presents with any symptoms that would exclude the child from the program, the nurse will immediately take the child into quarantine and notify the parent in writing and/or by phone.
If a child falls ill while on campus they will be removed from the classroom and their parent/guardian will be notified. The child will remain with the school nurse, or other appointed school personnel until the parent/guardian arrives on campus. Parents must arrive on campus within one hour of notification.
Upon receiving notification that a child or staff member has received a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, the following actions will take place:
- School personnel will contact the Virginia Health Department.
- School personnel will notify all families of students enrolled in the specified building.
- The School will follow the direction and advice of the Virginia Department of Health regarding quarantine protocols for students and teachers in the affected class of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at school.
- The student that is in self-quarantine will resume remote learning until it is safe for them to return to campus.
If a member of a household in which a student lives receives a positive COVID-19 diagnosis the following steps will be taken:
A vaccinated student can return to school as normal unless they are showing symptoms. They also must quarantine away from the positive case.
This Health & Safety plan will be updated periodically as new information is announced by local, state, and federal authorities and as the school's COVID-19 Incident Response Team Task Force develops new plans and protocols. Any updates or changes will be published on either the 1st or the 15th of each month throughout the summer.