Location: On Campus
Dates: June 21 - July 2 (2 Weeks): M-F 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Fee: $1300
Prerequisite: None
Instructor: Waleska McGlone
The Fluent Readers & STEAM program is designed for students entering grade 2 in the fall. Students will expand their reading skills, including faster and more accurate reading and analyzing spelling patterns. In addition, the STEM part of the program will give students an opportunity to exercise their critical thinking skills through problem solving using project-based learning.
This program is structured to allow for simple, predictable transitions from Reading to play to STEM. Students will improve reading fluency through repeated readings with phonological awareness. Understand and utilize the major components of reading comprehension, including but not limited to imagery, inferencing, cause and effect, and vocabulary. The afternoon will include lunch, group play, swimming and STEM. STEM activities are geared to incite curiosity and innovative thinking. Students should expect to engage in conversations about texts while having fun engaging in the following activities:
9:00-11:00 AM: Begin each day with a warm-up reading exercise, examine and utilize text imagery, word structures and concepts for reading comprehension.
11:00-12:00 PM: Lunch and Recess (Swimming 3xs per week Monday, Tuesday & Thursday)
12:00-2:00 PM: Students will work collaboratively with a partner/ partners on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math based practical projects that are fun yet challenging. Students will be required to write age appropriate science research questions and solutions.
Since students will complete most of their analyzing and sharing in class, there will be many opportunities for teachers to provide informal feedback. The teacher will feedback regularly through informal written notes in reading journals. During class, the teacher will guide inferencing and deduction through students' engagement in analyzing themes, conducting retells and synthesizes. The 1/2 day course will culminate in one final literary letter and STEM project.