For over 84 years, Congressional School has cared for and inspired our students, collaborated with parents, nurtured relationships with our alumni, and celebrated our many successes as a community. We would not be at this point without strong leadership, shared values, and a willingness to get involved and give back. We invite you to help us support the students, faculty, and programs by contributing annually to The Congressional Fund.
Your commitment and philanthropy are at the heart of sustaining our excellence and building a stronger future. All gifts to The Congressional Fund, regardless of size, make a difference in the lives of 470+ students daily and are greatly appreciated. Gifts and pledges for the 2024 - 2025 academic year may be received through August 31, 2025.

When you give to The Congressional Fund, you are able to choose from the options below to designate your gift to the area of your choice.

Area of Greatest Need

Little School

Big School

The Arts


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Faculty Support

Need-Based Financial Aid

Vision and Core Priorities

Yes, your donation is 100% tax deductible since Congressional School is as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Our tax identification number is 54-1115179.
The Congressional Fund year runs from September 1 through August 31. You may give your gift at any point, but we encourage you to pledge or give by Congressional Give Day.
You may make a pledge by e-mailing the Advancement Office, at advancement@congressionalschool.org and pay by August 31, 2023.
Our goal is to reach 100% parent participation in the Congressional Fund campaign.
Gifts can be made online or through cash, checks, credit cards, and securities. Complete the online donation form, You may also pledge by emailing the Advancement Office at advancement@congressionalschool.org, Pledge payments are due by August 31.
A Leadership Gift is any gift of $1,200 or more to The Congressional Fund. We have several different Leadership Gift Levels:
Vero Nihil Verius Society: $25,000
1939 Society: $20,000-$24,999
Great Thinkers and Leaders Society: $12,000-$19,999
Explorers Society: $8,500-$11,999
Young Learners Society: $6,000-$8,499
Sleepy Hollow Society: $3,000-$5,999
Colts Society: $1,200-$2,999
Many donors elect to pay in installments or opt for a recurring payment. Please let us know your giving preference and we are happy to support you.
Yes, we have a number of companies that support their employees through matching gifts. Please let us know what you need from us in order to process the match through your organization. It also doubles your gift which is great!
Yes, you can designate your gift. You can choose from the options below when filling out this online form, or this pledge form.
- Area of Greatest Need
- Little School (Infants - Jr. Kindergarten)
- Big School (Kindergarten-Grade 8)
- Athletics
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Fine and Performing Arts
- Faculty Support and Development
- Need-Based Financial Aid
- Auxiliary Programs (Camp, transportation, after school activities)
Yes, anyone can contribute to The Congressional Fund. All donors receive a letter of thanks and gift receipt letter from the Head of School. Donors are also listed in our Annual Report.
We strongly encourage individuals to volunteer and share their expertise. We are a community and our collective knowledge will make Congressional a stronger institution and learning environment. There are a number of opportunities to volunteer throughout the year; however, we still ask that families support The Congressional Fund for the aforementioned reasons.
Individual donor information is limited to a very small group of individuals at Congressional School. All donations are held in the strictest confidence, too. We do provide aggregate donor information in the Annual Report, on the Advancement section of our website, as well as, to the Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS) and Association of Independent School of Greater Washington (AISGW).
Decisions about how Congressional School allocates its resources are determined by our Head of School in conjunction with members of the Leadership Team and the Board of Trustees. If a gift is designated to a certain area, the gift will be used as requested. If a gift is not designated, it will go toward our area of greatest need.
Congressional School, Inc. is listed as a 501 (c) (3) corporation by the Internal Revenue Service; therefore your contribution is tax deductible to the full extent allowable by law.
Questions? Please contact:
Rachel Dunlap, Director of Advancement and External Affairs