Location: On Campus

Dates: July 6 - July 16 (2 Weeks): M-F 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Fee: $1300

Prerequisite: None

Instructor: Waleska McGlone


The Math Facts and STEAM is a 1/2 day program designed for students entering Grades 2 in the fall. Students will keep their math skills sharp and build strong number sense. The STEAM portion of the program will develop critical thinking skills for problem solving using reasoning and pattern-recognition.


This 1/2 day program is structured to allow for simple, predictable transitions from Math to play to STEM. Mathematics instructions will use routines to establish consistent engagement through predictable and skills building routines that focus on the review of skills and the mastery of concepts. The afternoon will include lunch, group play, swimming and STEM. STEM activities are geared to incite curiosity and innovative thiking. Students should expect to:

9:00-11:00 AM: Begin each day with number sense routines to understand quantities and the concept of more or less. students will work in groups and individually. Studens will have ample opportunity to work directly with the teacher. Students will complete an exit ticket with 5-10 practice problems at the end of each day to provide the teacher with valuable feedback on understanding.

11:00-12:00 PM: Lunch and Recess (Swimming 3xs per week Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

12:00-2:00 PM: Students will work collaboratively with a partner/ partners on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math based practical projects that are fun yet challenging. Students will be required to write age appropriate science research questions and solutions.


Teacher feedback will occur very frequently in the following ways:

  • Exit Tickets: After daily grading, the students will receive written feedback on their online exit tickets as to why their performance is accurately reflected by their grade.
  • Warm-Ups & Classwork: Students will receive feedback on their classwork and performance and will be encouraged to reflect on their strengths and strategies for learning.